Leggy Seedlings

How to avoid the mistake

Leegy seedlings

What are Leggy Seedlings?

 Leggy seedlings are stretched stems, they look thin and white and are weak to weak. Knowing what causes seedlings to become leggy can help, and that is stress. All gardeners have had leggy seedlings at one point or another. So here are some mistakes that cause seedling to become leggy.

What is causing the stress?

  1. Lack of light is a big contributor and seedling will reach for the light.

  2. Inconsistent water, too little water.

  3. Abusive use of a heat mat.

  4. Lack of movement to strengthen stems

What are the seedling suppose to look like ?

Short stocky with two cotyledon leaves or non true leaves. The leaves should be close to the ground most seedlings are a 1/4 to 1/2 inch tall.

Now what can you do to prevent or help already leggy seedlings.

  1. Light, without it the seedlings will stretch trying to find the light. It is important to get the grow lights turned on as soon as possible or put them in a south facing window, with at least 12 to 16 hours of light. The distance from the light can also contribute to leggy seedlings. If too far away, the light will not come in contact with the leaves and can’t be absorbed.

  2. Water, with out it your plants will die, but before that they go in survival mode. they will begin to stretch to conserve water, that narrow stem doesn’t need as much water to survive but its fragile. Consistently moist soil will prevent this but be careful to much water can cause other problems.

  3. Heat mats are good in moderation, however heat comes from above naturally. When the roots get to warm the plant tries to get away though its futile. so turn them off once plants have germinated.

  4. Seedlings naturally have wind and other outside forces. Those weak stems can be strengthened by a light breeze. A small fan can make a strong seedling.

Strong seedling

Is it to late to prevent:

In the event that seedlings become leggy for one of the above 4 reasons. Can they be saved? The answer is yes if they are not dead yet they will grow, however not as fast or as abundant of a harvest. I start over the couple of days lost is less than the extra days added to growing times. Unless its a tomato there unique in that they are a vine and if planted a little deeper they will form roots all along the stem. Prevention of leggy seedlings is easy and well worth the rewards, by simple avoiding common mistakes.

Now you have what you need to prevent leggy seedlings.


Growing a Garden


Seed Starting Indoors