Our Passion

Hello, wherever you are,

As time has passed the little things have began to rush past. Hopes tend to be set aside for another day when there is time. Its seeing these little moments that tend to fall to the wayside in the daily grind. Those glimpsed moments are what bring that wonder back to our lives. Those little moments create a faith in our own thoughts that give use back our adventure. Its those glimpses of adventure that keep us trying new things. When trying new things there is a tendence to want an immediate wow.  It doesn’t always work that way we have to have faith and step back with some patience while it comes.  Watch, remove the distractions for a second.  What you see that’s a magic moment, and yours alone.  I doesn’t matter if it is in the house, the garden, garage or on the street those moments are what we work for, savor it.  Here were going to help you breathe out the frustration and learn to take in that glimpse of wonder as we wander through this world of recycled knowledge.  All the while keeping it simple and learning new skills. Whether your looking for heathy life hobbies or trying to budget a project, we are here to help you find that glimpse of happy. Come glimpse the moment with us as we wander through our thoughts of whimsy.

~ Shanna Toland ~