Garden Visitors


A change in outlook for your garden. They come in and around you all year, when winter snow comes there presence is showcased in the absence of vegetation and the abundance of visual indicators.

Nature in the Garden

Winter is a time of reflection and rejuvenation, when the sun and temperature are not as strong. The world around changes and animals hunker in and there strengths show. There presence shows a strength in the eco system.


With snow comes a new opportunity in the garden, the animals that comes out are readily visible with the lack of vegetation. They leave tracks in the snow that can allow you to see what is in and around your garden even while its dormant. This is to your advantage for the coming year no know just what is hanging around to be a potential nuisance.


Through out the season birds can be a problem in your garden with harvest but in the winter they are life in the seemingly desolate landscape. You may even find yourself encouraging them to come to your garden. When they stay in and around they can be beneficial by eating annoying insects. Birds of prey can help with rodents foraging on crops, they help eliminate the problem.


There is always a chance for a unique photo to look back on in future and hold a glimpse of a moments adventure gained.

Try not to make any excuses and have fun getting to now your garden a little more and enjoy all the wildlife it has to offer.




When to plant Vegetables