Green Houses

A greenhouse is a wonderful tool, but when they don’t work correctly you can be left wondering. Sometimes it’s the simplest thing that cause the biggest mishaps.  So, it’s important to educate yourself so that you do not make the same mistakes others have made before you.

To Hot or Cold

Temperature control is imperative in order to keep plants heathy and growing.  Different plants have different requirements so temperatures will vary with what you’re growing. A good start to this is a basic thermometer. This will allow you to see where your temperature is and to see what you need to do in order to regulate it in a proper direction.

Humidity not enough or to much

A moisture content is important to keep consistent. To little humidity and the plants will dry out quickly to little and your plants can have bacterial problems. At the same time some plants require different amounts, think about where things grow naturally.  

Air flow

Proper air is imperative not only does the movement of air strengthen your plants but it can prevent disease caused by fungal issues.  The movement of air can balance out hot and cold pockets.


It may seem like a no brainer but plants need light to grow and sometimes light can be blocked by objects like trees, houses, Etc.  There is also where you’re at in the world, and what time of the year it is. This has an effect with the angle of the sun, and can change grow times.


Think about where your putting your green house I don’t mean in regards to light. Think about where it is physically, is it windy or a flood plain. Make proper accommodations in order to meet your needs.


shelving, overhead space, air gaps, overcrowding all need to be taken in to consideration when building using and filling a greenhouse. How assessable everything is placed can be key to the greenhouse being functional. It can effect lighting, air flow, movement of you and is critical to saving time and energy for other things.


A definite need that if done correctly wont hinder your ability to be functional. It will not block light or air flow and can even work in trying to conserve heat. Water storage can also help to regulate humidity.

Try not to store the cat

So What’s The Secret

A greenhouse may not be a necessity but at the end of the day its a dream that is achievable if you know what you are getting in too. It will work if you know what you want, but you have to want it and go for it. If you dream and have a little faith you too can have a place of your own to grow and create your own utopia. You just have to do it. If its truly what you want and you think you can handle it then go for it, you will love it from the first moment!


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